Saturday, February 21, 2009

I fall to someone with a wrong identity

it's so funny to say, but yes!

well, that's the way I recognized it. Feels like his so real when it
comes to his presence. Anyway, masculinity doesn't prove it well at all.
Maybe he was too wise that he knew how to hide it...

Of course, anybody will do the same. Same feelings occur once you would
come to know him better. You would say that "it's pleasing me secretly".
But I have to restrain myself anyway, for I know that this thing doesn't have
it's slot to render...

Poor I am! I'm just hoping that he would be a bad one so that I wouldn't be
devastated over losing him..

I can fake myself acting like a real friend to lean on. But I might sure as hell
to deny that I'm not falling for him. It's a normal reaction either, but I'll
get used of it once I can find my passion to captivate it.
I f there's another way I can resist this I would go to have it.
But, once your heart ruled your mind, ....
it has nothing to do with it..feels like you've been choking your own neck.

If the only constant in this world is change. I would rather have changed just to
avoid myself being constant to everyone.....or worse to someone else..
that would make things complicated if ever!

I'm that effective, for I can easily have them the way that I can probably
make them comfortable to stay along with my undying presence. It's so

However, I should have let circumstances flow naturally and care to think of what
may come in a usual way. Strategy perhaps...
That's my expertised!

If the circumstances had been lighter, I would easily fall to someone even with
a wrong identity......

1 comment:

eve said...

hi dy,,,

hapit2 pud panagsa..


comment sa ako...
