i've finally found the right person for me
i don't really care on how and why this thing suddenly
i just only take this no wrong
i know his different from others for he wasn't used to say
things but he had just did it..
he was determined to do it.
he's very straight from his words and not only arguing with me
but it also gives me the idea how to make things right.....
he's not only a lover, a friend, a companion, a brother, no longer a trustee but
a mentor to obey of...
i love him so much because he's always giving me
the reason why i should really have to..
i'm barely comfortable everytime we get together
i feel so relief and totally being me....
that's what he treated me..
be vocal and of being not afraid to do things on my way
always thinks positive
and be more satisfied on the things i've got(being proud of it)..
either it's small or big...
i know him in and out- of all the good and bad sides he got..
he never lied to me...
he was being so frank and real
for those things he likes and he dislikes...
and one thing that i could absolutely be proud of
is of making me he's first priority above all...
- about not making me wait everytime we met
- putting his attention straightly and comfortly just for me
- sacrificing job affairs just to be with me
- making me laugh when i'm sad
- giving advices that i really needed most
- explaning things that i've never understood yet..
- and of giving me the love unconditionally ...
so tell me, how could i pretend to be someone that has no passion of doing my thing as a partner to him?
how could i start lying when i know that there's someone who's faithful and willing to wait and fulfill my emptiness as a person?
how could i be complete without him?
you can't pretty blame me on acting this way
because there's someone there opens not only my eyes but my heart
and teaching me how to love purely and satisfyingly true..
thanks for coming into my life!
i love you so much dennis!
and i will not stop loving you as long as i am able to do so...
mwaaaahhh baby quo