Meeting new people along the way was always been an unsurprised scenario for me. Some could really make you stick in an instant but unexpectedly, only few could stay the way you used to know them since the time you have considered each other as friends, and that could somehow explains REAL FRIENDS.
FRIENDS can be measured through having each one another comfortable whenever and wherever you would be - to some, it's only the companionship that matters but REAL FRIENDS count through the test of time - on how you cherish happiest moments together and of how you get through those worst times you've been together. It's the period of time that matters.
You could just have as many as FRIENDS as you can but not the real ones who could give you the companionship incomparably true. Well, I've met a friend who have pulled the trigger and made my mind cleared from few of the questions left unsaid before. He then became one of my new found friends in the campus whom i treasured most and considered real by nature.
So, the most surprising thing happened once we have come to know each other better one time in our class subject. I was then staring at this person and just wondering if I had met this guy already. As a moment breaker, I've started to approach him by saying "you seem familiar, have we met before?" Then, he answered me with a very nice smile anyone could ever notice and just replied in a casual manner by saying "maybe but I guess it is because we both came from the same college before" . That was enlightened my hidden speculations and came up with an expression of "Ah! I see!" (i was consciously referring it to IC stands for Institute of Computing).....I thought to myself.
Days passed by. Many things had happened. We became I never thought we could be and opened up some things that made us both shocked and known of something confidential. "What?!" we both said and laughed so hard that almost rendered the entire classroom capturing some of our busy classmates' attentions making them intimidated by the noise we were making. "Who could have known this?!" I just thought and he said "Now, I know!". We both laughed and continued chatting.
Right then, we promised to keep to ourselves the things that we have talked and laughed for we have already fed our thirsty minds and learned that even though how small secret anyone has - it should be respected. As well as, the secret that our common friend has.